Editor in Chief of "Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications" :URL: http:www.bmathaa.org
Managing Editor of "Journal of Mathematical Analysis": URL: http://ilirias.com/
Managing Editor of "Journal of Inequalities and Special Functions": URL: http://ilirias.com/
Managing Editor of "Financial Mathematics and Applications": URL: http://ilirias.com/
Editor of "International Journal of Soft Computing and Software Engineering": URL: http://www.jscse.com
Editor of "International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research": URL: http://www.sciencepubco.com/index.php/ijamr/index
Editor of "Journal of Analysis & Number Theory": URL: http://www.naturalspublishing.com/show.asp?JorID=5&pgid=37
Editor of " MUK Publications": URL: http://www.mukpublications.com/gsa-editorial.php
Editor of " South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences": URL: http://www.rsmams.org/journals/seajmams/editorial-board