1. Abstract and Applied Analysis
2.Acta Mathematica Scientia
3.Acta Scientiarum Technology
4. Advances in Difference Equations
5.Annals of Functional Analysis
6.Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics
7.Applications and Applied Mathematics:An International Journal
8.Applied Mathematics and Computation
9.Applied Mathematics and Information Science
10.Applied Mathematics Letters
11.Boletin sociedade Paranaense de Matematica
12.Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society
13.Dynamics of continuous discrete and impulsive systems
14.Egyptian Journal of Mathematics
15. Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
16. Filomat
17.Fixed point theory
18. Fixed Point Theory And Applications
19.Frontiers of Mathematics in China
20.General Mathematical Notes
21.International Journal of Analysis
22.International Journal of Physical Sciences
23.Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics
24.Jordan Journal of Mathematical Sciences
25.Journal of classical analysis
26.Journal of Classical Analysis
27.Journal of Function Spaces
28.Journal of Inequalities and Applications
29.Journal of Mathematical Sciences: Advances and Applications
30.Journal of Mathematics
31.Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society
32.Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society
33.Kuwait Journal of Mathematics
34. Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology
35.Mathematica Panonica
36.Mathematical and Computer Modeling
37.Mathematical Methods in Applied Science
38.Mathematical Reports
39. Mathematical Review Romania
40.Mathematical Sciences
41.Neural Computing and Applications
42.Open Mathematics
43.Pakistan Journal of Statistics
44.Results in mathematics
45.Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica
46. Turkish Journal of Applied Mathematics
47.TWMS J. App. Eng. Math